Zainab, My Love (22)

She gave me sideways glare and asked, “At this time of the night? There are evil spirits roaming around o. Me I’m not going anywhere.” She grumbled as she shook her head defiantly then she added, “Besides, mama said that this is now my house and I’m welcome here anytime.”

“I see…” I said and started to get off the bed as I grabbed a pillow.

“Ahan, baby, where are you going to?”

I pursed my lips in irritation and said as I slipped into my slippers, “First of all, don’t call me baby! And secondly, you can as well have the room to yourself!”

“No o…” She started to get off the bed, taking a pillow too. “Husband and wife must not sleep separately, it’s a taboo.” I stopped to give her a puzzled look as she started to follow me.

“Where are you going to?”

“I’m following you wherever you go.”

“It’s like something is wrong with you! You had better stop pushing this because even though you go as far fetching water from heaven for my mother, I’m never going to marry you and that’s final!”

“You lie! You must marry me o!” She said vehemently. “Let me tell you, you can never find any girl like me in the village. In fact, not only am I a virgin, I am a very good cook, I can do chores and as mama said, in my family, we are so fertile that we give birth to twins.”

“With the way you and my mother are going, I’ll end up marrying you for my father. Since my mother likes you so much, I’m sure that she wouldn’t mind your being a second wife of my father. If you know what’s good for you, return to that bed.”

See also  DIRE DAYS (14)

“Not without you.” She said stubbornly.

To be continued…

© Angela Okoduwa


Angela Okoduwa

She's a passionate writer and has written novels on almost every sub-genre, ranging from romance, paronormal, thrillers, science fiction, fantasy , mafia and erotic. She's also a writer of short erotic Nigerian stories which have not only won many hearts but has also inspired and educated many readers worldwide. You can check out her works on Amazon

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